Meeting Highlights
The Weekly Westerner Edition 58.19
Box 4572, Station C, Calgary, Alberta T2T 5N3
 Grey Eagle Hotel, 3777 Grey Eagle Drive (37 St SW & Glenmore Drive)
Monday 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm
President: Rod McMahon  President-Elect: Chris Ritter
President Elect Nominee: Don Edie Past President: Rob Rakochey
Foundation: Joe Klassen Treasurer: David Wartman
Secretary: Malcolm Harrison
Directors: Orlin McMillan, Chris Ritter, Linda Anderson, David Wartman, Garfield Ganong
Together We Are People of Action - Building Community
Jan 13, 2025  Edition: 58.19
Reporter: Mike Carlin Editor: David Mills
Rod McMahon called the meeting to order at 12:00, provided us with the acknowledgement to the land.
Robyn Braley led us in O’Canada.
Don Beavis introduced our guests; Steve Fehr, Daryl Urness, Ahmad Tebou, Dayo Niyi-Idowu (Visiting Rotarian in Calgary from District 9111, Nigeria.  Dayo will be bringing 300 Rotarians to the RI Convention).
Bob (wrong way) Pearson introduced our guest speaker and fellow Rotarian form the downtown club, Michael J. Pierson who gave us an excellent presentation on “Celebrating of End of Life and Planning Ahead”
Michael is the President of Pierson's Funeral Service in Calgary. Born and raised in Calgary, he attended Viscount Bennett Jr. & Sr. High Schools. He then studied Music and Business at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, before transferring to the Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science at Xavier University, where he graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Mortuary Science.
Michael has shown leadership qualities throughout his life, serving as Class President in high school and later as the President of the International Avenue Business Revitalization Zone. He has also been involved with the Alberta Funeral Service Association and the International Avenue Arts and Culture Centre.
In addition to his professional achievements, Michael is active in his church and enjoys spending time with his wife Kathleen and their sons Eric and Connor. He is passionate about his work and takes pride in helping families during difficult times.
Michael started off his presentation with a little levity:
  1. Funeral reversed looks like Real Fun, synonymous with “death”
  2. The silence one gets in grade one when everyone asks “what does your father do for a living?"
  3. The experience of getting sick at the sight of his first dead body, and
  4. Some of the best stories of people he’s ever heard are at funerals
  1. Pierson’s Funeral Service main location is in Forest Lawn – 1983.
  2. The Pierson family has been serving Calgarians for over 40 years, with a reputation built on superior service at a fair and moderate price.
  3. They purchased the Flower Shop next door which is run by Michael’s sister and niece.
  4. Showed us pictures of Forest Lawn, Cochrane & Canmore locations.
  5. The Country Hills Crematorium has 2 large ballroom style rooms; one with viewing capability for primarily the Sikhs and Hindu’s whose custom is to watch the cremation of their loved ones. They are experienced in caring for a wide variety of cultures, traditions, and religions. We are respectful of all.
  6. They also have Pet Heaven Crematory and Funeral Chapel. Last year they handled 5000 pet funerals.
 Planning Ahead:        
  1. Pre-planning provides the time to consider your options and cover every essential detail, easing the journey for both you and your loved ones.
  2. Prepayment shields you from inflation and price fluctuations.
  3. End of Life Planning comprises of 3 areas:
    1. Legal – Before death, ensure there is an enduring P/A & personal directive. After death, a Will and Executive
    2. Financial – Costs fall into 3 categories.  All these categories have specific items listed to assist in identifying costs associated with the services you select.
    3. Professional Funeral Services – Portion of the cost of any funeral service is the basic services.  These cost are associated with the fixed costs of operating a funeral home – Physical and Staff
    4. Merchandise – This category contains the funeral merchandise that are purchased for the funeral service.
    5. Disbursements – These are costs associated with items sourced from outside the funeral home.
    6. Funeral – Final Disposition, graveyard, memorial, cremation etc. or perhaps you want to donate the body to science, which might be the alternative to med school.
  4. At this stage, it’s no longer about you. It’s about those you’re leaving behind. The funeral is for the living
Michael concluded by reviewing a brochure which outlines the planning process and provides a checklist.
President Rob thanked the speaker and announced, a gift to Shelterbox will be made in his name.
Steve Strang has taken a brief case home with him which he is not sure who it belongs to. In any case he would like his bag back & will switch with the culprit who has his.
Bill Lawless advises he still needs 16 more people for our upcoming casino & volunteers are needed for the late shift and count room. President Rob suggested we bring our partner and treat it like a date night….what better way to get to know your partner by counting money! Average payout is now $84,000.
Barbie Hames advises;
  • February 1st is a “old fashioned hay ride” at Millarville
  • February 15th is at Block Party with live music
Events are for Rotarians and families. Details to be announced
President Rob closed the meeting with our 4Way Test song.
President Rod adjourned the meeting with leading in song---the 4 way test.
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John Hewko: Curing the Loneliness Epidemic, Chicago-style


The RI president-elect speaks about the power of Rotary’s members

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Feb. 11, 2025
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
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Satellite Food Bank - am & pm
Feb. 20, 2025
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Grey Eagle Casino
Feb. 23, 2025
4:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Weekly Club Meeting February 24 In Person
Grey Eagle Resort & Casino
Feb. 24, 2025
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Calgary Food Bank Volunteering Feb 26th,2025
2nd Warehouse
Feb. 26, 2025
11:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
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Feb. 27, 2025
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Mar. 06, 2025
Volunteering At Community Kitchens March 10th,2025
3751 21 St NE
Mar. 10, 2025
5:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Satellite Food Bank - am & pm
Mar. 13, 2025
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