With President Rod McMahon away, Chris Ritter chaired today’s meeting.
Following a rather excellent lunch (salad, duck tortiere, mashed potatoes, artichoke dip, indigenous fried bread, roast turkey with cranberry sauce and/or turkey gravy, plus the usual assortment of desserts), Chris called the meeting to order.
November is Foundation month. A member (current or past) of our foundation committee was seated at each table to facilitate discussion of all things Foundation.
This reporter had two options: To relate his notes of presentations and comments by Joe Klassen and Sa'adat Keshavjee, or to provide the written documents they used for their presentations and discussion. For simplicity yet comprehensiveness, I have chosen the latter, integrated and edited to minimize duplication. Nevertheless, my apologies for the resultant length of the bulletin. It is not typical of my usual brevity.
There are 2 distinct foundations : The Rotary Foundation and The Calgary Rotary Clubs Foundation
The Rotary Foundation (TRF):
- The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. The Rotary Foundation was created in 1917 by Rotary International's sixth president, Arch C. Klumph, as an endowment fund for Rotary "to do good in the world."
The Rotary Foundation comprises:
- Annual Fund – donations are held for 3 years with the interest on investments going to fund operating costs. After 3 years 50% is returned to the District so we can fund projects that are supported by the leverage of district and international funds, often providing a 6:1 ratio of our funding. The leverage can be quite astounding, and 50% is transferred to the Endowment Funds to be used for Global Grants.
- Endowment Funds – support long term sustainability by using earnings from investments to fund projects in perpetuity. The Trustees may establish specific funds to support Disaster Response relief.
- PolioPlus Fund – supports immunization campaigns to eliminate polio worldwide. It should be mentioned, donations are matched 2 to 1 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Key areas of focus & some examples that our club has been involved in:
- Improving health through disease prevention & treatment
- Polio eradication, Malaria, 3D printing for Prostheses for missing limbs.
- Scholarships & educational programs to enhance learning opportunities globally.
- Free reading program, youth exchanges, local scholarships, Rotary Challenger Park, Gambela Ethiopia, at the Kule Refugee camp
- Providing clean water and sanitation globally
- Guatemala water project, Honduras Economic Development
- Alleviating poverty by supporting economic development & community building globally
- Building “Homes for Hope” in Mexico, Belize Maya Empowerment Project
- Major Initiatives – Funding & Grants
- Polio Eradication – Rotary has been the leader (since 1979) in efforts to eradicate polio, contributing over $2B USD & countless volunteer hours.
- Disaster Response – helps Rotary Districts respond to natural disasters by providing immediate relief & long-term recovery.
Citizenship Award
- RCCW awards up to 4 Rotary Club of Calgary West Citizenship annually. The Paul Harris Pin/Certificate is the Citizenship recognition award.
You may contribute to the Rotary Foundation via myrotary.org
- Sustaining Member: You need to contribute at least $100US to the Annual Fund. This can be done by direct contribution or in monthly/quarterly amounts through www.myrotary.org.
- Paul Harris (PH) Fellow: Recognition is given to members who contribute $1,000US by either direct deposit of $1000US to TRF, or by making a total of $1000US through multiple sustaining contributions of $100US or more. Note: RCCW will match your donation up to $500 towards your PH fellowship. A tax receipt will be provided
- Endowment Fund: You can make a direct donation in any amount to the Endowment Fund. A secondary way of donating is through Planned Giving in one’s estate planning
What impact can one donation have?
- For as little as 60 cents, a child can be protected from polio.
- $50 can provide clean water to help fight waterborne illness.
- $500 can launch an antibullying campaign and create a safe environment for children.
Calgary Rotary Clubs Foundation (CRCF)
- Established in 1972 comprising 12 Rotary Clubs in Calgary
- The CRCF provides financial management services to ensure the sustainability & impact of the clubs’ charitable projects. The Foundation has distributed over 25 million to support charities.
- CRCF ensures the pooled funds are invested safely with money managers who maximize returns. The balance in Calgary West’s club account approximates $1 million.
- Cash contributions are pooled in the fund and a portion of the earnings are returned to the participating clubs. Earnings of the fund are distributed to each of the clubs proportionately based on each club’s capital in the fund at the end of each financial year. These distributions go directly to each club and each club directs their funds to their selected community projects
Why support the Calgary Rotary Clubs Foundation?
- The CRCF has supported numerous project across all quadrants of Calgary. It is a guaranteed source of funds to each club
- 5% of the earnings from investments are returned on a proportionate basis each year. Amounts earned on investments exceeding 5% are permanently retained in each of the member club’s capital account. 2024 distributions to RCCW will be approximately $50,000 to support Calgary West projects.
- It is also possible to set up an automatic planned giving account (similar to the RI Foundation) in your Estate Planning.
- RCCW’s share in CRCF has now reached $1M
How to contribute to the Calgary Rotary Clubs Foundation
TRF has one of the best reputations for international charities as recognized by an independent agency assessing the effectiveness of charitable organizations.
TRF is incredibly close to exterminating Polio from the world and is in its final stages of the project. This is a major world achievement.
By going online, you can donate monthly via credit card and become a Paul Harris Fellow. To become a PHF you need to donate US $1,000.00. RCCW will match your donations dollar for point, making you a PHF in half that actual dollar contribution. In RCCW there was a time when we had 100% PH fellow membership. It is our hope that all members will contribute annually and become PH fellows.
With respect to the CRCF, David Watson talked about this “Made in Calgary” Foundation that is unique in Rotary international because we 12 Calgary clubs decided to form our own foundation about fifty years ago.
CRCF has been working to support Rotary success in Calgary since 1972. Today, it manages a pool of more than $60M on behalf of the 12 participating Calgary Rotary clubs.
Here, the dollar you contribute goes into the pool and our club gets back at much as 5% annually directly to our club for use in any registered Canadian charitable cause. Last year we received just over $40K. Next year our club will receive close to $50K . FYI the Downtown club receives about $1.4 million annually from this fund because of the scope of their contribution to this fund.
So, the message:
- This is Foundation month
- Rotarians are encouraged to give to Rotary - either or both foundations
- Your dollar goes a long way in rotary
- Rotary money never dies.
TRF and CRCF are both charitable entities. Members are encouraged to give to both. If you need more information, please contact a member of this club’s Foundation committee or check the two websites that talk to the specific giving models. We encourage every member to donate to one or both every year.
It is our earnest hope that everyone will attend next week’s meeting when Paul Harris pins for this year will be awarded.
Moving on…
Carlos Rosito was introduced to the membership by Farid, who has known, and pursued Carlos to join Rotary, for many years. Carlos is an electronics engineer, initially from Argentina, and subsequently from many countries where he and Farid would occasionally cross paths. Eventually Carlos settled in Canada (Airdrie) and, semi-retired but with his own business, he moved to Calgary, where Farid convinced him to join RCCW.
Carlos was formally inducted by Garfield. Welcome, Carlos.
Barbie told those who did not travel to Rosebud last week what a wonderful experience they missed. Ditto the Jewish Film Festival. I can’t comment on the latter, but the former was a great day, led by the energy of our own Phillipa Gear.
Don Beavis, who has worked with the Rotary Youth Entrepreneurship Camp for several years, is looking for 1 or 2 members to join his committee. The committee meets approximately once per month. He would also like to see volunteers for camp counselors for the annual weeklong event. Call him!
Bill Lawless announced our next casino will be held on February 4 and 5. It’s early, but save the date,
And last but not least, Robyn confirmed there were 230 people attending Rotary Remembers this year, with 20 of them from RCCW. Thank you!